City of Mercy Church is transforming lives through the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ.

Our goal is to be a church that gives life and doesn’t drain it from you. We do this by offering exciting experiences, opportunities to connect with people on the same journey as you.


Mission & beliefs

We are a church that believes in Jesus, loves God and people. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on a mission to see God.

the church

what we do

Our Mission

Our mission is to help everyone at My City Church believe in Jesus, belong to family, become a follower, and build God’s kingdom.


Don’t be afraid to ask God what He would have you to do. He will provide for what He has planned.


Every significant sacrifice requires a plan. Careful planning enables most people to give more than they ever thought possible.


There is such power in committing and then watching God help you fulfill it.

the church


Our vision is to see people saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, empowered, and serving. Becoming a follower means shifting the focus of your life from self-centered to Christ-centered by doing what Jesus would do and loving as He would love. Believing in Jesus means placing your hope and trust in Him by surrendering to His lordship in every area of your life.

Pastor Moses & Prophetess Vivian Jargbahson

our goals

We exist so that people can experience life to the fullest in Jesus.

Our goal is to be a church that gives life and doesn’t drain it from you. We do this by offering exciting experiences, opportunities to connect with people on the same journey as you, and by making a difference in our city and beyond.

The Miracle of Salvation

Tonya Andrews

Your church is such a blessing. Listening to each message brings new life. The honesty and sincerity of each message cut me deep every time I listen. God bless your entire church for allowing him to rule through your hearts to affect the whole world. Thank you.