
About US

people in the service

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves God and people


The message of our house is simple. We announce the Good News that no matter who you are, where you’re from, what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you, life to the fullest is available through Jesus. We exist for those who aren’t here yet. We’re not here to do church, we are here to be the church. Jesus was willing to leave the 99 for the 1, and so are we. We live generous lives in response to God’s generosity. All we have is from his hand, so it is our honor to live generously with our time, talent, and treasurHonor is the opposite of common. We honor people because they are uniquely loved and valued by their creator. We lead with honor not because of what people do, but because of whose they are.


General overseer & Prophetess Vivian Jargbahson

Pastor Moses Jargbahson

Pastor Cyrus Gueh

Pastor Josephine Flomo

Pastor Marcus Reeves